Dude, where's my insurance?
This week the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its latest analysis of healthcare coverage in the U.S. Its findings were nothing to celebrate. In 2018, there were 28.9 million uninsured people in America, the highest uninsured rate in four years. The CBO’s report corroborates similar findings from other sources like Gallup and the Kaiser Family Foundation. As we discussed the news with our colleagues, we found ourselves coming back to two fundamental questions: - Why are people losing insurance coverage?
- What does this mean for the biopharma companies we work with and the industry overall?
And, because there’s nothing like a good visual aid to help break down health insurance topics, we developed the below chart. We hope it helps.

Design: Madelyn Boyle/Syneos Health Still have questions? Here’s a list of resources that might help. If you… - Want to know more about why insurers are raising premiums, read this.
- Are confused about why nearly half of the uninsured population is ineligible for coverage under the ACA, take a look at this.
- Don’t understand the history and status of Medicaid work requirements, read this.
- Want to know which states haven’t expanded Medicaid, look here.
Who wrote this? The managing editors of TWTW are Dana Davis, who appreciates the AP confirming the latest style updates for Beyoncé’s name, and Randi Kahn, who still dislikes the AP rules on serial (Oxford) commas.
Syneos Health Communications' Reputation & Risk Management Practice is a team of healthcare communications consultants, policy-shapers and crisis response specialists. We provide unique solutions to the evolving communications challenges in today’s healthcare industry, using evidence-based approaches to help our clients successfully navigate the most sensitive of situations.
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