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The Return Of Measles… What Year Is It? | Blog

What can we do to fight the influx of measles outbreaks?


The Future of Subscription Services: From Cars to Care | Blog

The recent shift towards subscription offerings in the consumer marketplace is a trend that doesn’t seem to be slowing down any time soon.


BPA: No Longer Under the Radar | Blog

A new study suggests we may be consuming more BPA than previously thought.


Inclusive Design is Changing How We Develop Medical and Therapeutic Devices | Blog

Nobody wants their doctor to say, “you’re losing your hearing,” but for the 48 million Americans suffering from hearing loss, most dread the idea of the clunky, uncomfortable hearing aids of yester-year.


WHO Releases Guidelines to Help Prevent Dementia | Blog

The World Health Organization released a new set of guidelines detailing 12 modifiable risk factors associated with the development of dementia and how to best combat it as people age.


Seeing the Future: VR in Healthcare | Blog

In healthcare alone virtual reality and augmented reality is expected to be a $5.1 Billion industry by 2025 with a CAGR of +53% over the next five years.


What Do Chess, Jeopardy, and Business Strategy Have in Common? | Blog

For top competitors like Jeopardy!


Future Festival 2019 Recap: Retail Innovation, Omnichannel & Marketing | Blog

Toronto-based innovation shop Trend Hunter has cranked out over 10,000 custom trends profiles in the past decade, and they compressed their annual 3-day innovation experience into an 8-hour intensive course.


Welcome to Facebook, Home of the Zuckerberg. | Blog

Facebook is hoping that free coffee and privacy check-ins will convince users that it’s prioritizing their data, once again.


Future Proofing Med School | Blog

The past few days have seen a lot of news regarding the Oakland-based health care company Kaiser Permanente.


Eco-Friendly Business Gets the Green Light | Blog

One year’s innovative and groundbreaking idea becomes the next year’s benchmark standard.


The Capacity to Enjoy Data | Blog

Data is everywhere these days, but what does it look like?


Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy | Blog

In a 2017 survey conducted by Ann McKee, a neuropathologist, of 202 former football players’ brains that were donated to science, all but one suffered from Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy.


Is Your Mask Up to the Task? | Blog

Deciding when, where, and what mask to wear has been a large topic of discussion as we re-enter into the “New Normal.”


A Space Oddity | Blog

The effects of space on the human body are still being researched, and in recent years we’ve discovered more about the effects.