Columbus, OH — When I finished reading the report out from our survey of millennial physicians, my first reaction was: We’ve got work to do. And, clear opportunities to do it.

The data show new attitudes toward patients and peers, for sure. But also a significant distrust of pharma. Numbers that stood out to me, included: 65% of millennial physicians says they don’t trust information from pharmaceutical companies to be fair and balanced and 79% said they’d only turn to pharma as a secondary source of information.

But the study also pointed to key needs for help and partnership from brands. For example, only 12% of millennial physicians feel prepared to have discussions about particular brands of drugs with informed patients. And, they say the tools they need most from industry are disease state education, discussion guides and adherence support.

I hope you’ll have an opportunity to read the full report.* If you want a great, fast preview first, take a look at the infographic below.

*There is a brief registration required to download the full report (anyone can create an account). If you want a fast pass around that, just send me a note or leave a comment here and I’ll send you the report directly.